Beautiful pics of Alicia Malone and Alicia Machado feet and legs

Yoseph Alain Machado-Fajardo was Miss Venezuela 1996 and Miss Universe 1995. Her fourth year as Miss Universe's Venezuelan. Miss Universe 1996 is an television host/actress. Her self-titled debut album was released in 2004. She's appeared in 100 episodes of television throughout her lengthy career. Miss Venezuela 1995 won her the Miss Universe 1996 contest. She played Samantha, the lead character of Samantha, the main character of Venezuelan TV show Samantha. The actress's Instagram page has over 2,000,000 followers for fashion and behind-the-scenes content. Alicia Malone is an Australian TV host and an author who was from Canberra Australia. She's a Turner Classic Movies host. Alicia Maree Malone has worked as the following: Film Reporter as well as a TV host producer writer and editor. Malone is the person who you can count on for entertaining and intelligent film journalism. She moved from Australia into Los Angeles, in 2010 following which she was famous.

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